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Angle Globe valves角式截止阀J44H/Y/W

Update: 2016/11/21      View:
  • Brand:    GONGKAI
  • Type:    J44H,J44Y,J44W
  • Order Online

  Angle globe valve is a type of globe valve with an inlet and outlet angle of 90 ° C. In addition to the advantages and usage requirements of general flange globe valves, the biggest feature of this valve is that it is easy to install at the corners of pipeline systems, saving 90 ° C elbows and facilitating opening and closing operations. The flange angle globe valve is widely used in the synthetic ammonia system and refrigeration system of fertilizer plants.

  J44H angle globe valve is only suitable for fully open and fully closed, and is not allowed to be adjusted or throttled. Globe valves belong to forced sealing valves, so when the valve is closed, pressure must be applied to the valve disc to force the sealing surface not to leak. When the medium enters the valve below, the resistance that the operating force needs to overcome is the frictional force between the valve stem and the packing, as well as the thrust generated by the pressure of the medium. The force required to close the valve is greater than that required to open it, so the diameter of the valve stem should be larger, otherwise the failure of the valve stem bending may occur.

Main performance specifications for J44H angle globe valve

design and manufacturing GB12233/GB 12235
Structure length GB 12221/JB96(长系列)
结构长度 GB78/JB79(GB、HG、SH)
Pressure test GB/T 13927
Mark GB 12220

Main appearance and connection dimensions of J44H angle globe valve

DN in L D D1 D2 f b z-φd Do H1 H2 W
15 1/2 65/90 95 65 45 2 14 4-φ14 100 240 265 7
20 3/4 75/95 105 75 55 2 16 4-φ14 100 245 270 7.5
25 1 80/100 115 85 65 2 16 4-φ14 120 250 275 8.5
32 21/4 95/105 135 100 78 2 18 4-φ18 140 260 290 12
40 21/2 100/115 145 110 85 2 18 4-φ18 140 290 325 14
50 2 115/125 160 125 100 2 20 4-φ18 160 300 335 19
65 21/2 145 180 145 120 2 20 4-φ18 180 355 400 27
80 3 155 195 160 135 2 22 4-φ18 240 400 450 42
100 4 175 215 180 155 2 24 8-φ18 240 455 495 50
125 5 200 245 210 185 2 26 8-φ18 280 530 560 64
150 6 240/225 280 240 210 2 28 8-φ23 320 605 650 85
200 8 275 335 295 265 2 30 8-φ23 360 650 770 155
DN in L D D1 D2 f b z-φd Do H1 H2 W
15 1/2 65/90 95 65 45 2 16 4-φ14 120 245 270 7.5
20 3/4 75/95 105 75 55 2 16 4-φ14 120 250 275 8.8
25 1 80/100 115 85 65 2 16 4-φ14 140 260 290 11
32 21/4 95/105 135 100 78 2 18 4-φ18 140 290 325 13
40 21/2 100/115 145 110 85 3 18 4-φ18 160 300 335 18
50 2 115/125 160 125 100 3 20 4-φ18 180 355 400 31
65 21/2 145 180 145 120 3 22 8-φ18 220 400 450 39
80 3 155 195 160 135 3 22 8-φ18 280 450 495 50
100 4 175 230 190 160 3 24 8-φ23 320 530 590 60
125 5 200 270 220 188 3 28 8-φ25 380 600 650 75
150 6 240/225 300 250 218 3 30 8-φ25 400 650 770 98
200 8 275 360 310 278 3 34 12-φ23 450 700 850 170

Statement: All text, data, and images in this article are for reference only. Provide relevant product parameters for inquiry: product name, model, caliber, material, medium, pressure, temperature, connection standard, quantity, etc. If there are special requirements for the product, please also include them in the inquiry. If the usage scenario is very important or the environment is complex, please provide design drawings and detailed parameters as much as possible, and our professional engineers will review and select for you.
        Thank you for visiting our company's website If you have any further questions about this product, you can call us and we will provide you with high-quality pre-sales consulting services. Consultation phone: 15002111058; Phone: 021-56051151.

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